Tuesday 21 July 2009

Does your friend have swine flu?

Your friend has been signed off work with the dreaded pig cold.

They clearly have a fever, their face resembles a bulging beetroot and their nose pours with mucus. They groan and demand soup, they sneeze and plead for soothing sympathy.

But still there is a suspicion that burns quietly in the pit of your stomach. They don't look that ill. You don't think they have freaking swine flu...they just have a cold.

I have been speaking to a doctor today and there is a test.

You don't have to take a swab from their nether regions, stick or jab anything anywhere which might ruin your friendship, or lead to awkward silences.

No, all you have to do is simply place a £20 note at the base of their bed. The doctor said if they crawl out of their sweaty pit and pick up the money then they don't have it.

Right, where is my wallet?

Picture taken from here.

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